ISPS Webinar: COVID-19 and Psychosis
on 25th June 2020 from 21:00 until 23:00 Central European Time
(15:00 -17:00 US Eastern time / noon -14:00 Pacific time / 07:00 AM – 09:00 AM on 26th June in Auckland)
What can we learn from experience during Covid-19 crisis from service users, family members and professionals?
The corona crisis has brought significant changes to our interactions with each other. One of the objectives of ISPS is to investigate the relationship between psychosis and the environment. Now that there are profound changes in the relationships between people, this is a unique opportunity to learn from experience, including learning about the strengths of psychosis susceptible people. Last month the Executive Committee of ISPS sent out a call for Coronavirus stories to all people who would like to talk about it.
During the webinar of June 25th, we will bring all these stories together. In the first part of the webinar (90 minutes) there will be a trialogue between a person with lived experience, a family member and a professional around three questions, organised with Rachel Waddingham as the moderator. In the second part of the webinar (30 minutes) a summary of the Coronavirus stories ISPS received will be given by Margreet De Pater. Debra Lampshire will be the moderator for all the panellists who can engage in discussion with the participants of the webinar.
Webinar Moderators:
Rai Waddingham and Debra Lampshire

Rai is an Open Dialogue Practitioner, international trainer and has created, established and managed innovative Hearing Voices Netwerk projects in youth prison, forensic, inpatient and community settings.

Debra is an experience-based expert at the University of Auckland and project manager for Auckland District Health Board in New Zealand. She joined the ISPS Executive Committee in 2012.
Barry Floyd is a 66-year-old Black American man who has been a voice hearer for 6 decades. From the age of 13 he struggled with his voices but throughout his difficulties he was able to raise two daughters as a single father. Since 2004 he joined the workforce again, as a peer specialist. He co-led the first Hearing Voices group in NY City, and he is in the process of starting another Hearing Voices group in Harlem.
Bert Stavenuiter is 54 years old, is married to Corine and feels like the father of several foster children, including Mandy and Rafael. He has been a director of MIND Ypsilon for more than 25 years, which brings together about 5,000 family members and relatives of people with increased sensitivity to psychosis.
Dag Söderström MD is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He is a past president of ISPS-CH (Switzerland), past medical director for psychiatry in a Swiss region, current member of the ISPS Executive Committee. He has published papers on psychosis / trauma / transference phenomena.
Margreet de Pater specializes in work with families. She is a family therapist and was a community psychiatrist for 39 years, during which she developed family crisis intervention for psychotic persons in the Netherlands. She Chaired the Congress organising committee of ISPS Rotterdam 2019.
The webinar is free but donations to ISPS are welcome
Please consider donating here
The donation goes partly to the presenters of the webinar (from outside of the ISPS) and partly to the efforts of ISPS to bring more attention to psychological and social approaches to psychosis.
Please register by email (please mention your name and ISPS COVID-19 webinar) and we will email you the zoomlink a day before the webinar.