Presentasjon av Françoise Davoine

  • 8. november 2017

Françoise Davoine, PhD in sociology and psychoanalyst, has worked more than thirty years at public psychiatric hospitals. In the United States and Latin America, she has established links with institutions that rely on psychoanalysis in the approach of madness. She is, together with Jean-Max Gaudilliere, leading a seminar at the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) in Paris, «Madness and social link». Françoise Davoine has published notably Mother Folle (Arcanes-Érès, 1998), Don Quichotte, to fight melancholy (Stock, 2008), and with Jean-Max Gaudillière, History and trauma (Stock, 2006).

At the ISPS Norge conference she will talk about trauma and psychosis; a practical psychoanalytic perspective on treatment. At the workshop she will talk about understanding and practical treatment on trauma and psychosis.


Program fagkonferansen 2018

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